
The Bit By Bit Advantage

Programming. Robotics. Graphics. Sports. Games. Fun.

Bit By Bit is a summer computer camp for children aged 9-13. Operated by the Department of Computer Science at Western University, we introduce young students to the fascinating world of computer science and technology. Campers learn ideas and skills that form the basis for the technology they use every day. We aim to show campers that computers and technology empower them to bring their ideas to life.

Designed For Your Child

Our curriculum makes use of experiential learning principles and is designed for campers ages 9-13, regardless of experience or skill level. Campers with beginning or advanced computer experience alike will find a stimulating, engaging curriculum.

A Head Start in a New World

Computers are everywhere. Employers today seek candidates with strong technical skills, even for jobs not traditionally associated with computers. Learning these skills at a young age will give your child a head start that will be useful in many areas of life, and applicable in just about any field your child might one day choose.

Fun and Games

While Bit By Bit aims to provide a solid grounding in technical skills, your child won't be stuck indoors, sitting in front of a computer all day. With robotics competitions, daily outdoor games, swimming, and other group activities, your child will enjoy plenty of time for exercise and socialization with peers.

Registration is now closed. See you next year!


So Cool Your Kids Won't Even Know They're Learning

The collection of technologies we teach at Bit By Bit is regularly updated to keep our curriculum fresh and relevant. Some of the technologies we've taught in past years are shown below. Note that the curriculum is subject to change and may not include all technologies shown here.


Real-World Programming: Python

This powerful language will be used to introduce campers to a "real world" programming language. Python is considered to be one of the best "teaching languages" and will be used for our more advanced challenges.

Programming Fundamentals: Scratch

An easy, visual language for learning the basics of programming. Campers will use scratch to learn the basics, to create games, and to tell stories.

Game Development

More advanced campers learn to create simple video games using common languages and tools, all the while learning principles of programming.

Design and Engineering

Graphic Design: Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo is a photo editor used by millions of photographers, artists, and other professionals around the world. Using this software, campers will design all sorts of fun and interesting graphics, all the while learning real-world design skills.

Web Design

Campers learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, creating their own web pages and learning about web design fundamentals.

Robotics: Lego NXT

Using the LEGO Mindstorms NXT system, campers will wortk together to solve robotics challenges. Campers will learn the basic principles of robotics, including motor control, drivetrain design, sensor inputs, and autonomous robot control.

Computer Science Fundamentals: Minecraft

Did you know the unbelievably popular and addictive game Minecraft can be used to learn Computer Science?

2024 Camp Dates

We're Here All Summer

Bit By Bit runs for 8 weeks, from July 2 to August 23. Why not get the kids out of the house?

Week Dates Days Duration Price Status
1 Jul 2 - 5 4 days $175.00 Available
2 Jul 8 - 12 5 days $200.00 Sold Out
3 Jul 15 - 19 5 days $200.00 Sold Out
4 Jul 22 - 26 5 days $200.00 Sold Out
5 Jul 29 - Aug 2 5 days $200.00 Sold Out
6 Aug 6 - 9 4 days $175.00 Sold Out
7 Aug 12 - 16 5 days $200.00 Sold Out
8 Aug 19 - 23 5 days $200.00 Sold Out


Campers must be between 9 and 13 years old on July 31, 2024 to be eligible for the 2024 camp year. To accommodate high demand, registrations are limited to 2 sessions per camper per year.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all, campers must adhere to a Code of Conduct while attending Bit By Bit.

Discounts / Refunds

Sibling Discount

In each week with multiple siblings registered, save $10.00 per camper after the first camper.


Please see our refund/cancellation policy.

Join Our Mailing List

Join our mailing list to receive reminders prior to the opening of camp registration. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Tip: Sign up for an account and add your campers in advance.  Seats fill fast!

Health and Safety Measures

All participants and staff are strongly encouraged to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations. For more information on health and safety, please see Western's Summer Camps page.

Prior to registering your camper(s), you will need to agree to our Informed Consent Agreement for each camper. Please take time to review it prior to registering.

Code of Conduct

All parents and campers are required to agree to our Code of Conduct, aimed at fostering a safe and welcoming environment for all. Please ensure you review this policy and discuss it with your campers.


A Typical Day at Bit By Bit...

While activities vary from day to day, here's a sample of what a day at Bit By Bit might look like for your child.
Note: exact times and activities vary from year to year.

Camp Hours

Bit By Bit runs from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM each day.

Before / After Program

For a nominal fee of $25.00 for the week, a before and after program is available from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM, and from 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM.

What to Bring

Campers should bring a swimsuit and towel, comfortable indoor/outdoor shoes, a re-useable water bottle, snacks and a lunch, or money to purchase lunch (see below).


Campers are welcome to bring their own lunch and snacks. Your child will also have the opportunity to purchase lunch. Lunch is typically eaten at the Grad Club, but may be eaten some days at the UCC Food Hub food court.

A Note about Allergies

Bit By Bit often has campers with nut allergies. Accordingly, all lunches and snacks packed for campers should be nut free.

Before program

Nominal fee applies. Campers enjoy supervised free time prior to the start of camp programming for the day.

Regular Arrival / Sign In

Morning Lesson

The counsellors deliver a tutorial to campers on concepts such as software development, graphic design, web design, or robotics. Campers learn while doing, following the steps given in the tutorial.

Having worked through a tutorial interactively with their counsellors, campers are now presented with a new challenge. By applying their newfound knowledge, they synthesize a design of their own. Counsellors are circulating around the room, helping campers as questions arise.


After a quick walk to the Western Student Recreation Centre, campers cool off in an Olympic-sized pool, swimming and playing games together as a group.


Campers and counsellors eat and socialize together outside (weather-permitting) the Grad Club, the restaurant located conveniently in Middlesex College, or in the UCC Food Hub food court, located in the University Community Centre. Campers can either purchase their lunch, or eat a lunch brought from home. All lunches and snacks packed for campers should be nut free.

Outdoor Activities

Campers play organized games and sports in the field outside of Middlesex College.

Afternoon Lesson

The counsellors deliver a tutorial to campers on concepts such as software development, graphic design, web design, or robotics. Campers learn while doing, following the steps given in the tutorial.

Having worked through a tutorial interactively with their counsellors, campers are now presented with a new challenge. By applying their newfound knowledge, they synthesize a design of their own. Counsellors are circulating around the room, helping campers as questions arise.

Free Time / Pick-up

Campers enjoy some supervised free time in the computer lab. Campers often spend this time exploring the world of Minecraft, or working on activities and skills covered in the daily lessons. Friendly competition and light banter amongst campers makes for a fun atmosphere of socialization.

After Program Pick-up

Nominal fee applies. Campers enjoy supervised free time following the day's programming.


We're Looking Forward to Seeing You

Getting in Touch


Contact us via email at bitbybit@uwo.ca.
We try to reply to all inquiries within 24 hours.


Bit By Bit Computer Camp
Middlesex College, Room 355
Western University
London, Ontario, N6A 5B7


From Richmond Street

Turn onto the University grounds at University Drive and proceed across the bridge. Go straight at the intersection of University Drive and Perth Drive. Take the first right into the Middlesex College cul-de-sac.

From Western & Sarnia Roads

Enter the University grounds at Huron Street, turn right at Lambton Drive, and continue around to Perth Drive. At the intersection of University and Perth Drive, turn left onto Middlesex Drive. Take the first right into the Middlesex College cul-de-sac.

From Windermere Road

Enter the University grounds at Perth Drive. At the intersection of University Drive and Perth Drive, turn right onto Middlesex Drive. Take the first right into the Middlesex College cul-de-sac.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Drop-off and pick-up each day will be at the front entrance to Middlesex College. The campers will be in Rooms 230 and 235.

Upon leaving the Middlesex College cul-de-sac, be sure to turn right to exit the campus, as Middlesex Drive is a one-way street.


Volunteer with Bit By Bit

Volunteering at Bit By Bit is a great opportunity for older students who are passionate about computer science and technology. Volunteers will help counsellors ensure the camp runs smoothly by assisting in supervising campers, running fun camp games, and helping campers complete their programming challenges.

High school students who are looking to fulfill their community service requirements will be able to have their time sheets signed by the head Bit By Bit counsellors.

Application coming soon

Registration is closed.

Registration is now closed. See you next year!